Pattern Design is inspired by the patterned traditional Malian MudCloth fabric dyed with fermented mud, called Bògòlanfinis or Bogolan. The pattern designs on the traditional MudCloth are rich in cultural significance used to represent proverbs, historical events or social status.

Joy Ezeka X Airloom Décor

The UNafraid Limited Edition Rug Collection launched in August 2022, to celebrate Women’s Month in South Africa.

The UNafraid’ rug collection is a limited edition body of work by talented surface and textile designer, Joy Ezeka, founder of ZURI and IMANI, in collaboration with the founding team of Airloom Decor. Joy is on an UNAFRAID journey, to establish ‘Made in Africa’ as a seal of excellence – and be part of the revolution aimed at moving Africa to the top of the global value chain targeted at recovering and growing the African creative economy especially the re-branding of the African textile industry.

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