Queen Nandi | Sketch

Art inspired by South Africa’s very own, Queen Nandi, famous for being King Shaka Zulu’s mother and was the daughter of Bhebhe, a past chief of the Langeni tribe. She is widely considered to be one of the greatest single parents who ever lived. When confronted by animosity, rejection, insults, and humiliation, she raised her son Shaka the best way she could – never to give up on life – to have strength of will, and to believe in his destiny. She raised him to believe in the power of unity, and in the concept of “We are the same”. Nandi devoted her life to her son and his siblings, protecting them the best she knew how, seeking refuge, and later finding him the best mentors in Dingiswayo and Ngomane, amongst others.”

(Taken from an article Queen Nandi: A remarkable woman by Soka Mthembu)

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